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Preliminary image of Victoria Crater, showing the location of SCP-4011. The entrance to the site is concealed beneath the ledge.

Item #: SCP-4011

Object Class: Thaumiel Keter

Special Containment Procedures: The former Provisional Area-R01 has been lost. Automated lockdown procedures are in effect, and Mobile Task Force Upsilon-53 is monitoring the facility entrance. All SCP-4011-1 instances found outside of SCP-4011 are to be destroyed on sight should not be approached or otherwise provoked until further notice. The SCPS Moksha was launched from Site-███ on 2053-01-21, carrying relief forces and supplies for the establishment of Armed Area-R02. It is expected to reach Martian orbit on 2053-08-30. Should SCP-4011-1 attempt to breach automated Area-R01 defenses before the establishment of Armed Area-R02, MTF Upsilon-53 members are advised to retreat to a safe location until Foundation rescue forces arrive.

Description: SCP-4011 is a facility located within and beneath Victoria Crater on Mars. The only known entrance to the structure is an airlock hidden beneath an alcove on the northern rim of the crater. The full extent of the facility is currently unknown likely to be infinite. The architecture and symbols found within the facility are similar to those of a standard Foundation site, though the materials used for construction appear to be of Martian origin.

The interior of the facility is entirely isolated from the outside, and neither traditional radio communication nor any tested anomalous communication system2 will allow a signal to pass between the facility's interior and its exterior. The internal atmosphere is comprised almost entirely of argon gas, with trace concentrations of nitrogen and carbon dioxide.

SCP-4011-1 is the designation given to a large-scale, distributed anomalous artificial intelligence system within SCP-4011, comprised of a large number3 of robotic beings, each individually sapient yet also interconnected into an overall hierarchy.4 SCP-4011 is inhabited solely by instances of SCP-4011-1, which perform various maintenance and administrative tasks. SCP-4011-1 instances show a large degree of variation in form; the 3 currently-known categories of instance have been designated SCP-4011-1A through -1C, and are described below.

SCP-4011-1 has demonstrated extremely in-depth knowledge of world history (and particularly the history of the Foundation), and it has shared detailed descriptions of previously-unknown events. To date, all provided information which can be verified has proven accurate. Recovered documents have been used to discover, explain, and improve upon containment procedures for more than ██ other SCP objects. As such, SCP-4011 has been classified as Thaumiel, Threat-Level Orange as of 2052-08-12 By O5 order on 2053-01-05, SCP-4011 has been reclassified as Keter TL-Orange and no further communication or interaction with SCP-4011-1 is permitted without direct approval from the O5 Council and Ethics Subcommittee on SCP-4011.

SCP-4011-2 refers to level B17 of SCP-4011 and all levels below it.

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⯈ Addendum 5: Exploration Log 2052-12-26
⯈ Addendum 6: SCP-4011-2
⯈ Addendum 7: Incident 4011-28

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