Nameless Mediocre's Author Page

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Hello, you have made the tragic mistake of deciding you want to read more of things created by me that can questionably be called writing! I am a humble upvote farmer with a mediocre spread of run of the mill SCPs for you to choose from, now pesticide free(ish)! Please take a gander and let me know what you think!

In all seriousness, I'm only writing here to get better at writing so don't be afraid to get harsh. No one gets good on hollow platitudes. I welcome every downvote you think I deserve. I only want my writing to stay on this site if it is good.

— Some pandering asshat going through an early mid-life crisis


Nathaniel Ames' toaster, Part 5 of 82.

Things what with the securing, containing, and protecting already:

Deleted - Deleted as this work didn't live up to my own expectations.

SCP-4264 Lesson Plans for Calhoun County - The first skip I will readily admit ownership of! Highest rated skip of mine at time of writing this page and product of a steroid induced fever dream! Math and Science questions come to life and a teacher gets in over his head with the GOC.

SCP-4196 Daughter of the Confederacy - What where I try to do the dialogue thing well. Get uncomfortable with your grandma in a skip about historical revisionism. [Content warnings: Use of slurs, mentions of racial violence]

SCP-4279 A Toast to my Finished Thesis - Cliche story in a list skip about why you shouldn't piss off your grad student. A fun short project.

SCP-4257 public transit by dado - my first attempt at write dado medicine for make space car like the elon man.

SCP-4954 Long Live the Tinsmith! - My first Thaumiel skip. Self-replicating space roombas have a heartwarming birth and a sad death.

SCP-4624 Mandatory Fun - Made a skip about laughing at HR people. Then wondered why I was laughing at them.

SCP-4762 Multiple Solutions - Getting all nerdy again with a skip about Fermi's paradox. It's a shorter article meant inspire at least a little awe in the real-life universe.

SCP-4894 TOOL FOR EVERY USE - Decided to finish off my series 5 skips with one after its starting theme, history. Come see Factory operations in turn of the 20th century Yukon Territory go sour with the rise of a new labor union.

SCP-5432 One Apple Pie, Made From Scratch - He's fly, he's a pie, he's Herman Fry. I wanted to do a skip based off the famous Carl Sagan quote (I'm actually not the first on this site to do that). The narrative is how I rationalized why someone would want to turn themself into an apple pie. Remember, to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.

SCP-5989 I'm Exactly Where I Need To Be - My SCP JamCon Entry that I really need to do a proper editing of now that the contest is over. Probably my most political piece to date. Remember, access to healthcare is a human right. Treat it like one.

More to come (if I am not fatally struck by a bus)!

Tales, GoI formats, and recipes for melted butter (solid butter + microwave):

Project Proposal 2018-019: Security Theater

Schadenfreude à la Mode

Works what with people who tied themselves to the cinderblock anchor that is me:

SCP-4373 Drown Collaborative work with TheBlueHour does not match any existing user name for CollabCon 2019. The Shark Punching Center finds a pattern screamer and teach it the peaceful ways of Selachian Pugilisim. Results not guaranteed to be peaceful.

Empty Oceans Collab Tale with TheBlueHour does not match any existing user name for CollabCon 2019. Follow up to SCP-4373 where shark punching gets out of hand and more than one dolphin gets eaten.

Want to gawk at works in progress? Why? Are you a masochist? Whatever, I don't kink-shame.

My main sandbox

Another sandbox for you bastards

Sandbox for 0001 project

What where I am remaking my 5k contest entry into an 001 proposal.

That thing where I make arrangement for a potential mysterious disappearance

In the event that I have gone incommunicado for at least 3 months, TheMightyMcBTheMightyMcB has permission to make all decisions concerning the articles where I am the sole author in my stead. For collaborative articles, I defer to the other author(s) decision should I not be available and should those decisions not violate site rules. If none of the authors on a collaborative article are reachable, TheMightyMcBTheMightyMcB can make or give permission for alterations and such in place of myself.

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License