Personal Log of █████ "Iceberg" ████
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Personal Log of "Iceberg"

[NOTE: Dates and some sensitive information removed by Central Records. Original documentation available upon approval.]

███████ ██ ████
I finally got a promotion. At least, I think it's a promotion. Only a lab assistant, but I'll have access to more SCPs than before (though, I've heard the rumors about some of the Keter class SCPs). And I've heard Dr. Gears is rather respected in this field. Well, I guess I'll just have to see how today turns out. I've heard dying on the first day on these sort of things rarely happens.

I spent most of the day compiling information. Everything we have has to be put into a digital format and sent down to Central Records. Dr. Gears himself was ok, though seemed to always keep things very professional. I wonder if he's always like that. Today was mostly compiling notes and reports by Dr. Gears. I found a lot of what was documented interesting, but the actual work of putting it on the computer was incredibly dull. And it turns out it's most of my work for the next few days. Oh joy. And I don't think I got a pay raise. I'm starting to wonder just what the Foundation means when they say "promotion."

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Morning was rather uneventful. Breakfast was about the same as always. More work with compiling papers today. Dr. Gears seems to be taking my nickname rather well. Most high-ups just call me Dr. ████.

Like I thought, more paper work. Seems I'll be heading to a containment site, recording data on SCP-882. One of what we'll be looking at is how long it takes people around it to start hearing things. Grinding and clicking. So basically we'll see how long until it makes people go crazy. Well, that’s pleasant. But guess it's what needs to be done.

SCP-076 caused another incident. Great. Working with us or not, it's never been too nice having an immortal super powered psychopath on base. At supper Carl, or SCP-530, tried to get some of my food. Had to push him away. Don't want to get reprimanded, not to mention I've heard how bad it smells.

███████ ██ ████
Had to get up early today. We had to leave early for the flight to the containment area. I've been busy all week, so I just now got time to write. I should probably get some more sleep soon. It wouldn't be good to be tired when we get there.

Scratch that. It definitely wouldn't be good. We just got word SCP-882 breached containment. Despite this, we're still going on.

Why oh why did I accept this new job? Not only do we keep going towards a containment breach, when we get there it's freezing, snow everywhere. Admittedly, I've never had much problem with cold weather. But because of this storm, we're stuck here for two whole weeks. It's nearly enough to make you wish you were back working on some of those small time SCPs. On the bright side, the situation is contained. For the moment. I suppose I'm just gonna have to learn to deal with this if I'm going to stay with the Foundation. I'm not sure I have a choice.

Once we got there, Dr. Gears had me immediately begin setting up camp. Or as he put it, "the central observation post." It turns out our new job is to watch the inside of the sealed off area, study group dynamic when under extreme stress. It's not really my area of expertise, but I guess that's why Dr. Gears is in charge here. Setting up the monitoring devices, I finally got a good look at it. SCP-882, that is. For now it's still partially covered in rust, but it's begun to move. With all those gears on it, I guess they sent the right doctor for the job.

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Oh dear God. This morning, D-882/1 (what wonderful names we give) walked straight into it. SCP-882 that is. Just sort of sleepwalking, going down the hall. We have no way to talk to them, so there wasn't anything I could do besides watch and record. And hear him scream. When the beast has its fill of metal, it doth in its endless gluttony hunger after blood, flesh and bone. Maybe I should have tried going into writing. The others in there have been pretty vocal about wanting out. Without anyone coming in for a while, and how fast D-882/1 went, it doesn't seem too likely. I can handle it, I know I can. Doesn't make it any prettier.

I've been spending some of my spare time working on project ideas. I've got a nearly complete list of tests for SCP-914. I'm also going to give Dr. Gears an idea I have about feeding SCP-682 some of SCP-236. Maybe followed by a loud bang to startle them after a while, like a grenade. A couple others I threw around in my head. It's been helpful really, just focusing on science.

We're down to emergency rations. Doesn't taste too good, but apparently pound for pound it has more nutrients than you'll get from about anything else. Besides what's inside the containment area, it's been kind of boring really.

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We finally got a new supply drop. It slammed right into Agent ████'s jeep. Bad for him, but his outburst was kind of funny. We could use some more stuff to laugh at. One guy's got frostbite already, another subject went off the deep end and "self-terminated". The rest are running low on food. Not a cheery week. I've still got a bit more equipment to set up, so that should prove a healthy distraction for, oh, another hour.

After dealing with equipment and supplies, it was back to more watching. It's clear they are all being affected, and by quite a bit. You can tell from the way they walk around. Not only that but they're all adding to SCP-882, throwing in metal to make it lower the mental noise. While the camp is far away from where it is being contained, I'm still glad to get the SCP-148 lined work area. Thank God we found that stuff, it's quite useful from what I've read. Anyway, Dr. Gears and myself are the only ones who really work in this area, so Dr. Gears has asked me to keep an eye on the rest of the team in case the range of 882 grows larger than the local researchers say it will. They seem fine for now, though when the supplies came in I noticed ███████ took some pills that are for headaches. But hey, I'm sure it's fine. Jobs like this will give you headaches sometimes.

███████ ██ ████
Damn it. 882 has a longer range then we thought, it got everyone. Everyone but me and Gears, thanks to the shielded testing area. We had to barricade ourselves in. Not much time to write, just want a possible last entry. And- dang it, they took out the heating system. As if I wasn't cold enough already. Honestly, ever since the incident, it's just been a pa

Gah, so little time to write. They don't give up, and the damn weather is stopping us from getting a Team down here. Man, these guys are really starting to piss me off. I need a gun. Maybe I'll get a personal one when we get back. Something nice.

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Yes, I know. It's been a while since I could write an entry. Apparently a few broken bones will keep you in medical for a while. I don't see how having the psych doctor keep coming in and talk with me helps though. After the evaluation is done. I mean, Glass is an ok guy, I guess, but really? How many psych tests do you really need?

Anyways, once they let me out, first thing first. Most of the equipment made it out, so lucky me, guess who has to process all the data? Did not know the camera was rolling when I beat the guy's face in. Huh. Or even earlier, when I cocktailed him to get him on the ground. Molotov cocktails, what can't they do?

Also met some guy. Kondraki, something like that. Photographer, mainly. But he also got some research work. Kind of nuts, plenty of nasty rumors too. Jackass gave me his paperwork for the weekend.

Speaking of paperwork, already have lots of it. These people really need to learn to go digital. Luckily, I've nearly got Gear's signature down, which will save time. Since I won't have to go ask for it every time. I should probably learn to copy a few others too, speed things up a bit.

Let's see. Dangit, who oversees paychecks?

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