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Item #: SCP-1911

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Newly discovered instances of SCP-1911 are to be immediately reported to the supervising director. If at all possible, recording equipment should be set up in the domicile currently occupied by SCP-1911, and the following supplies are to be made available to SCP-1911:

  • Paper towels of any brand,
  • Cleaning products, including: bleach, ammonia, glass cleaner, vacuum bags, laundry detergent, and dish soap,
  • Supplies for knitting, quilting, sewing, or basket weaving,
  • Adult diapers in the current target's size.

The target of SCP-1911 is to be kept alive and restrained by all possible means. If SCP-1911's target escapes, it is to be returned to the residence and restrained. If SCP-1911's target expires, observers of SCP-1911 are to be returned to Site-54 for reassignment, and the occupied domicile is to be scrapped or repurposed.

Description: SCP-1911 is an entity taking the form of one (1) to approximately thirty (30) elderly females (which are referred to in reports by numerical designation), all of whom identify as grandma, gramgram, nanny, grammers, etc. SCP-1911 targets single, human males living alone, then attempts to entice them into allowing them access to their domicile. If SCP-1911 is denied access, more and more instances of the entity begin to appear, attempting to access different points in the home—door, windows, garage or storm doors, chimneys, etc.

If SCP-1911 is continually denied access, it will attempt to force its way into the domicile. This rarely succeeds, as in spite of numbers, instances of SCP-1911 have no more physical strength than an elderly, human female. After failing to force its way into the home, SCP-1911 will dissipate. Usually, a plate of cookies, cakes, or sweets will be left on the doorstep with a handwritten note, expressing condolences at having not been able to spend time with 'my grandson.' The target is never mentioned by name.

In the event that SCP-1911 gains admittance to a residence, one instance of SCP-1911 immediately begins to communicate with the target, asking about a variety of subjects. It is currently believed that SCP-1911 uses a form of cold reading to determine information about the subject, then begins to expand the conversation. Usual topics include the target's parents, job, studies, or significant other.

Other, non-conversational instances of SCP-1911 proceed to clean the residence. In all cases, the personal effects of the occupant are arranged, categorized in some logical form, and cleaned. Careful inspection reveals a complete lack of fingerprints, hair follicles, dander, or any other evidence of human occupancy. SCP-1911 instances will cook for the target, knit or crochet articles of clothing for them, and, if necessary, feed them.

In all instances, SCP-1911 continues to occupy the residence until the target expires or leaves for an extended period of time, at which point, instances of SCP-1911 express confusion at why the target would leave or stop talking to them. Instances of SCP-1911 wander away and dissipate over a period of one (1) to seven (7) hours after growing increasingly angry, bitter, and resentful at the lack of communication, leaving walkers, wheelchairs, canes, medical equipment (notably oxygen tanks and hearing aids), and purses. A full list of currently recovered items, collectively stored at Site-54, is available upon request.

Current Containment Location:

The current target of SCP-1911 is John Cheever (b. 1973), currently residing in Romney, West Virginia. Mr. Cheever's family is under the impression that the house was sold in 1992, and that Mr. Cheever severed all ties with them. Currently, the continued exposure to SCP-1911 has produced a Stockholm Syndrome effect, and Mr. Cheever believes that all instances of SCP-1911 are, in fact, his grandmothers.

Current research is continuing on reproducing this effect as means to lower escape rates at future instances.

Addendum SCP-1911-T:

Recent audio reports from the current containment location of SCP-1911 were recently analyzed in a study by Dr. ██████, who reported that SCP-1911 often talked about the current target's 'cousins.' Research revealed that none of these 'cousins' existed. However, when compared to information from previous contaminants, several analogous instances were noted. The following is the originally discovered excerpt:

12 JAN 1999, 14:43

SCP-1911-1: Did I tell you about your cousin Maurie?

Target: No, grams. How is he?

SCP-1911-1: Well, let me tell you. You know he broke his leg?

Target: Did he grams?

SCP-1911-1: He did! And you know that gramma was there to take care of him, of course. And he was so angry and upset… Oh, heavens, he was upset.

Target: Well, you know how he is.

SCP-1911-1: Oh, I most certainly do. He was fighting and yelling and screaming, fit to be tied!

Target: Why did he do that, grams?

SCP-1911-1: Oh, you know him. Just ornery and hateful. Always has been. Can't help but lash out at people.

Target: I'm sorry, grams. What happened?

SCP-1911-1: Well, he got sick and died, honey. Not then, but later. I was so sad to see him go…

Currently, this information is being used to search for undiscovered infestations of SCP-1911. Any notable similarities between these and real life events should be immediately reported to the supervising director.

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