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Item #: SCP-2408

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: The Foundation is to infiltrate and control law enforcement agencies in areas where GoI-0432 activity is suspected. Information regarding the anomalous activities of GoI-0432 is to be suppressed. MTF Psi-13 ("Witch Hunters") has been tasked with the search for and elimination of GoI-0432 members (SCP-2408-1). In the event that a member is captured alive, they are to be thoroughly interrogated (using any means deemed necessary) prior to termination; the bodies autopsied and disposed of per hazardous waste protocols.

Mobile Task Force Psi-9 ("Abyss Gazers") is to provide security to researchers at SCP-2408-3. Individuals attempting to gain access to SCP-2408-3 are to be terminated on sight. Patrols are to search for potential access points, which must be securely sealed when discovered.

Armed Reliquary and Biological Containment Area-06 has been constructed beneath Moscow in order to contain and study SCP-2408-3.

Description: SCP-2408 designates several anomalies associated with GoI-0432 ("The Hunter's Black Lodge"), an anomalous criminal organization and Sarkic cult primarily active in the post-Soviet states. SCP-2408-1 are genetically normal humans capable of undergoing gross physical transfiguration. Known changes include:

  • Mass increase by multiples of 2, sometimes 3 (primarily muscle).
  • Increased bone density.
  • An increase of testosterone production (with levels approximately 6 times as great as in baseline adult males).
  • An increase of adrenaline production (with levels approximately 4 times as great as in baseline adult males).
  • Enlargement of organs in proportion to increased mass with the exception of the testes and adrenal glands, which increase in size well beyond what would be proportional, and the brain, which does not appear to change in size.
  • The manifestation of various non-human physicalities (e.g. lupine, hircine, porcine, ursine, cervine, and octopine features have all been recorded).
  • An ability to shift between bipedal and quadrupedal movement.
  • Amplified senses (seeing, hearing, tasting/smelling things outside of human sensory limitations).
  • Amplified strength, speed, and regenerative ability.

Unlike Proteus-Cronenberg syndrome, SCP-2408-1 instances are able to reverse these changes while maintaining cellular stability. It remains unknown whether or not these transformations can be maintained indefinitely. Complete transmogrification can be achieved within 10-30 seconds.

SCP-2408 was discovered during OPERATION FALKENRATH.

OPERATION FALKENRATH involved the infiltration of GoI-0432. Known as "The Hunter's Black Lodge" (or simply the "Black Lodge"), GoI-0432 has been linked to extortion, murder, robbery, gambling, prostitution, human trafficking, drug trafficking, weapons trafficking, and underground fighting rings. While these activities are not inherently anomalous, the anomalous capabilities of GoI-0432 has had an aberrant effect on their practice. These anomalies include:

  • The trafficking and distribution of anomalous pharmaceutical agents, primarily in the form of the anabolic-androgenic steroid "Гнев"1. The intravenous injection of Гнев triggers anomalous levels of muscle and bone growth. Continued and/or excessive use will result in Proteus-Cronenberg syndrome and/or death. Analysis suggests that this substance is harvested from the adrenal gland of an unidentified species of animal and has thus been classified as SCP-2408-2A.
  • The trafficking and distribution of "Похоть"2, a potent narcotic and increasingly prevalent3 "club drug". Normally sold in small, glass vials, it is administered to the body through insufflation into the sinus cavities (injection has been found to be universally fatal). Substance triggers various sensory hallucinations, increased heart palpitations, increased sexual arousal, and feelings of euphoria; studies have shown the substance to be more addictive than heroin. These effects are non-anomalous (the substance likely created with profit in mind) but the substance itself appears to be derived from the spinal fluid of an unidentified species and has thus been classified as SCP-2408-2B.
  • The trafficking and distribution of biological agents, including pathogens and toxins deemed anomalous by the Foundation. The creation and distribution of "Красная Смерть"4 represents an exceptionally high level threat. Already classified as SCP-███, information regarding the "Red Death" is presently only available on a need-to-know basis.
  • Victims of GoI-0432 have been discovered impaled by large organic spines5 or completely torn apart. Cadavers display injuries suggestive of attacks by several different animals such as bloody hoofprints, wounds consistent with goring by a horned or tusked animal, and teeth-marks indicative of a large, lupine organism.

The Foundation became aware of GoI-0432 in wake of the USSR's dissolution, when many anomalies and documents relating to anomalies were transferred to Foundation control by GRU Division "P". The existence of GoI-0432 would be further corroborated by former members of GRU Division "P". It appears that they were unable to fully contain or neutralize the threat presented by GoI-0432 and its associated anomalies, with one source describing the apparent destruction of the organization on several occasions - only for it to reappear months later, seemingly strengthened.

Agent ████ S████ of MTF Psi-13 ("Witch Hunters") was officially tasked with the infiltration of GoI-0432 on 04/11/1994 as part of OPERATION FALKENRATH. MTF Psi-13 is a highly classified joint Foundation/GOC task force created as part of Project: Sitra Achra. MTF Psi-13 is designed for the infiltration of Sarkic6 organizations and the termination of high threat members.

As part of Project: Sitra Achra, MTF Psi-13 operatives are trained in Counter Occult Stratagems (COS) and the use of corrosive/incendiary armaments; each agent equipped with a SIG Sauer P226 modified for the use of incendiary and corrosive ammunition.

Under the alias "Dominik Myshkin", Agent S████ operated in Moscow as a contract killer in order to develop a criminal reputation and ultimately gain the attention of GoI-0432. On 01/20/1995, Agent S████ was contacted by members of GoI-0432 and instructed to visit Красные фонари.

Красные фонари ("Red Lanterns") is a popular nightclub/adult entertainment establishment located in the Golyanovo District. Employed as a Black Lodge front, it is suspected of being involved in forced prostitution, human trafficking, and the distribution of illegal (frequently anomalous) narcotics. It is believed that local law enforcement has not intervened due to corruption and intimidation by GoI-0432.

Agent S████ was not equipped with a recording device due to the delicate nature of the mission. Instead, information was transferred to the Foundation via dead drop7. Agent S████ entered the nightclub at 2100, 01/25/1995, equipped with a SIG Sauer P226. He is observed being approached by a bouncer, which Agent S████ proceeds to follow after a short conversation. An agent inside the nightclub reports seeing S████ being escorted to an upstairs VIP suite overlooking the main floor. Agent S████ does not exit the nightclub until 0800, 01/29/1995. A message would later be delivered to the dead drop site at approximately 2100.

The Foundation would henceforth receive biweekly mission reports from Agent S████.

Agent S████ was declared MIA on 05/28/1995.

On 06/04/1995, after much deliberation, raids were conducted against multiple Black Lodge sites, including the Red Lanterns nightclub. During the assault, SCP-2408-1 were directly observed undergoing transfiguration. Despite their aggression and anomalously augmented combat prowess, the SCP-2408-1 threat was thoroughly neutralized through the use of incendiary armaments (with the Foundation unexpectedly suffering only minor casualties). As operations continued, it grew readily apparent that the Black Lodge had provided minimal manpower - a mere fraction of its total population in the region.

The mission would result in the discovery of SCP-2408-3.

SCP-2408-3 is a megalithic temple complex located within a large cavern deep beneath the city of Moscow. Approximately 3000 years old, it is the oldest standing structure in Russia and is the type site of the Sarkic culture group. SCP-2408-3's composition comes in two forms: inorganic and organic. Its inorganic portion encompasses the exterior and is constructed from stacked megaliths of gabbro (commonly known as "black granite"). Its anomalous organic portion fills the interior and is composed of bone, muscle, and viscera.

Found among the 'grounds' of the complex was a gladiatorial arena and a large altar. From the cavern ceiling dangled the remains of twelve elderly women - apparently disemboweled and hanged via their own intestines. Iron grates on the floor are similar to those found in meat processing plants and are likely designed to capture blood and general viscera.

Act I: Et Ecce Equus Pallidus | In Memoria, Adytum

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