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Item#: 3704
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3704 is to be kept inside of a soundproofed reinforced steel case whose lock may only be operated by a remote terminal in an observation room 25 meters from the object. This terminal operates via a randomly generated passphrase known only by one (1) Level 4 Personnel at a time. The case is to be stored in an isolated, soundproofed room, at least 15 meters away from any of the room’s walls. A circle with a radius of 2 meters is to be painted around the object, denoting the effective range of the tertiary third primary effect. Microphones are placed about the room, which can broadcast into the observation room if researchers so choose.

The observation room is only accessible through the adjacent hallway, having no direct connection to SCP-3704's containment chamber. Access to the containment chamber is restricted except for purposes of testing. After the results of Incident 3704-A, testing has been suspended until further notice.

Description: SCP-3704 is a wooden music box measuring 16cm by 10cm by 16cm. The object has a coat of pink paint on it, chipped or damaged in several places, revealing the wood underneath. The wood has a reddish tint, and does not match any known species of tree. The composition of the wood is extremely dense, making the object heavier than it appears. In addition, it is significantly stronger than normal wood of similar dimensions. Despite this, the object is damaged in multiple locations, with parts of the casing appearing crushed. The crank is also broken off, though it can still be turned if force is applied to the remaining end. Inspections have shown that the internals are consistent with similar music boxes, showing no anomalous effects.

Music can be heard from SCP-3704 at random intervals whether or not the crank is turned. The songs it plays vary between subjects, with different subjects reporting varying genres, usually in line with the subject’s tastes. This effect is demonstrated even in subjects listening at the same time.

After 30 seconds of exposure to the music, subjects will feel a compulsion to move closer to the object. After 3 minutes of exposure, this draw slowly becomes stronger, reaching its height after 5 minutes. At the effect's height, subjects become largely unable to resist the urge to move closer, and use any means necessary to do so. See Testing Log 3704.1 for details. A subject in this state that is rendered unable to hear SCP-3704-2’s music will fall unconscious for a period of 30 minutes to an hour. Upon waking, subjects will have no memory of their time under the object’s influence.

When a subject comes within 15 meters of SCP-3704 they begin to hear whispers interspersed in the music that grow louder the closer they get to the object. Subjects report that the voices are from people that they recognize, usually deceased family members, acquaintances, or celebrities. These voices tend to be from people that the subject looked up to, or trusted.

In most cases, subjects say that the voices are consoling them, and in all cases telling them to approach the object. See Testing Log 3704-1 for details.

When a subject comes within 2 meters of SCP-3704 and has been exposed longer than 5 minutes, a tertiary effect appears. Subjects become convinced that the people the voices belong to are trapped inside the object. Subjects will attempt to break open SCP-3704 in an attempt to free them, and will attack anything that prevents them from performing this act. If a subject is forcibly removed from the 2 meter effective range, they lose the urge to free the voices.

Testing Log 3704-1:
Below are a series of tests conducted upon SCP-3704 with the intent of learning more about how the object selects music for each subject, and what the voices produced by the object say to subjects.

Revised Description:
SCP-3704 is a wooden music box measuring 16 cm by 10 cm by 16 cm. The object has a coat of pink paint on it, chipped or damaged in several places, revealing the wood underneath. The wood has a reddish tint, and does not match any known species of tree. The composition of the wood is extremely dense, making the object heavier than it appears. In addition, it is significantly stronger than normal wood of similar dimensions. Despite this, the object is damaged in multiple locations, with parts of the casing appearing crushed. The crank is also broken off, though it can still be turned if force is applied to the remaining end. Inspections have shown that the internals are consistent with similar music boxes, showing no anomalous effects.

SCP-3704 draws on the empathy of its listeners. It has 3 primary anomalous effects that draw emotions out of subjects, good or bad, in an attempt to bring them closer to it. A fourth effect manifests once a subject has become sufficiently close.

The first of the two primary effects is that music can be heard from SCP-3704 at random intervals whether or not the crank is turned. The songs it plays vary between subjects, even playing different songs to two subjects listening at the same time. SCP-3704 tends to play songs that subjects have a connection to, usually by drawing on memories that evoke a strong emotional reaction to.

The second primary effect is that starting at a range of 15 meters, subjects hear voices interspersed in the music. These voices typically take the form of people the subjects knows, looks up to, or trusts, with one exception. SCP-3704 has the ability to seemingly sense if an empathic connection has been formed with the subject. In cases where an empathic connection has been formed, the voices attempt to console subjects, usually speaking of forgiveness or absolution. In cases where an empathic connection has not been formed, the voices take other forms of people the subject has wronged, or feels contempt towards. The voices in these cases speak not of forgiveness, but of debts, as if subject owes it to them to move closer.

The condition of the third primary effect is unknown due to insufficient testing. The current theory for the condition is that it manifests if subjects resist the call to move closer to the object for an extended period of time. Subjects under this third effect seem to undergo immense pain, and yet appear to have their senses dulled. Subjects also seem to be granted strength and dexterity above what a normal human can possess. The full extent of the effect is, like the condition, unknown. See Incident 3704-A for an example of this effect.

The fourth effect of SCP-3704 appears once subjects have come within 2 meters of it. Subjects in this range become convinced that the voices are trapped inside SCP-3704, and as such become heavily compelled to "free" them by destroying the object. Subjects will attack anyone else who enters the 2 meter range, believing them to be preventing the liberation of the voices. Subjects who are rendered unable to hear SCP-3704's music, either by removal from the effective range or artificial deafening, fall unconscious for a period of 30 minutes to an hour. Upon waking, subjects will have no memory of their time affected by SCP-3704.

Addendum 3704-1:
Following the containment breach on 04/23/2017 resulting in ██ staff casualties, all testing on SCP-3704 has been suspended until further notice.

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