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Location of SCP-4346. Foundation holding housing secondary entrance visible at rear.

Item #: SCP-4346

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: The building housing SCP-4346 has been purchased by a Foundation front company and allowed to continue normal operations. The original entrance to SCP-4346 has been walled off. Access to SCP-4346 is now available via a second nearby Foundation holding.

The entrance to SCP-4346 is to be kept under 24 hour guard by a minimum of two security personnel working in overlapping 10-hour shifts. Under no circumstances are fewer than two personnel to be present outside SCP-4346 at once.

Requests for experimentation clearance are handled at the sole discretion of Lead Researcher Philip Wise. Any confirmed contact with SCP-4346-1 is to be reported to Dr. Wise immediately.

Description: SCP-4346 is a basement-level floor beneath the █████ Building in Turku, Finland. When discovered, SCP-4346 was mostly empty, save for a small number of wooden pallets and cardboard boxes, which have since been removed. SCP-4346 is windowless, and due to electrical faults, does not have working lighting.

SCP-4346 is inhabited by a Class IV incorporeal entity designated SCP-4346-1. This entity has yet to be interacted with or recorded via any means, but its presence has been reported by all personnel who have closed the door behind them after entering SCP-4346, and only when they are unaccompanied.

Since its discovery, SCP-4346-1 has not been seen, heard, touched, smelled or tasted. It has given no sign of what, if anything, its purpose or desire may be. Personnel in its presence have reported sensations of coldness, pressure, tingling in the extremities, intense loneliness, suffocation and fear of abandonment. The true nature of SCP-4346-1 is currently unknown.

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