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Item #: SCP-5052

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Two hemispherical exclusion zones 15 kilometers in radius are maintained around the sites comprising SCP-5052. These exclusion zones extend to the airspace around and above SCP-5052, with civilian flights strictly prohibited around the region, under the cover story of unpredictable extreme weather conditions due to mountainous terrain.

Due to the regularly inhospitable conditions around SCP-5052, its remote location, and the size of the region requiring surveillance, observation of the perimeter is performed mainly through a series of cameras and remote-controlled aerial drones. Additionally, satellite scans of the exclusion zone are performed at least twice daily. Class A and C amnestics are authorised for use in the event of civilian encroachment. Nomadic tribes known to travel around the area hold the superstition that the area is haunted; this belief is to be encouraged where possible.

All researchers authorised to enter SCP-5052 must be equipped with grade-B or better cognitohazard filters in their helmets. The use of Scranton reality anchors within and around SCP-5052 is carefully regulated, and requires express permission from Level-3 or higher personnel.

Due to the relatively high aerial visibility of SCP-5052, standard veil maintenance protocols with international space agencies are in place.

Description: SCP-5052 comprises the wreckage of two spacecraft believed to be extraterrestrial in origin, located in a mountainous region in the southern Sahara Desert. Both are roughly cylindrical in shape, with an enlarged bow1 region2. External methods of propulsion have not been identified for either vessel.

SCP-5052-1 is a spacecraft estimated to have originally been approximately 900 meters in length and 240 meters in diameter. It has suffered catastrophic damage to its structure; the bow and stern of the vessel lie completely separated, with each section measuring approximately 400 meters in length. Evidence of an impact marks the port side of the front half, with a region approximately 50 meters deep and 150 meters long sheared off. Further major structural damage is present around the rest of the hull of the vessel, with large portions of the undercarriage crushed. A trail of debris 12 kilometers long extends from the wreck, with over 700 individual pieces of wreckage cataloged. SCP-5052-1 is almost entirely buried in sand, and sonar scanning of the hull suggests it sits in a crater, presumably resulting from its impact with the ground.

SCP-5052-2 is a spacecraft measuring almost 4000 meters in length and 650 meters in diameter, nestled in a valley between two mountain peaks 14 kilometers to the south-west of SCP-5052-1. Its hull shows heavy damage from some form of bombardment, with at least 125 punctures identified. Each is between 3 and 14 meters in diameter and breaches tens to hundreds of meters deep into the structure, with scorch and burn marks suggesting they were caused by some form of radiation or plasma-based weapon. SCP-5052-2 also bears heavy damage on the starboard side of its hull, with a single massive breach in the hull almost a kilometer in length and 200 meters wide.

The hulls of both vessels are marked with a multitude of large glyphs, each approximately 10 meters across, made from a distinct but currently unidentified metal alloy emblazoned onto the surface of the hulls. These glyphs are broadly triangular in shape, each comprised of distinct intricate repeating patterns which collectively have cognitohazardous properties. The glyphs on the surface of SCP-5052-2 tend to induce minor headaches, feelings of passivity, and a desire to return to one's home, though it should be noted that no glyph is fully intact3. The glyphs of the intact regions of the hull of SCP-5052-1 are slightly distorted with the warping of the hull, but even brief exposure induces severe and lasting feelings of inadequacy and a desire to serve others. As well as the emotional effects, the cognitohazardous effects from both vessels present a mild amnestic effect, making the vessels difficult to notice (particularly on film and recordings) despite their size unless directly observed.

Discovery: Nomadic tribes who travel through the southern Sahara have been aware of the presence of SCP-5052 for potentially thousands of years, though by this time their cultural memory leads them to avoid the area, considering it either haunted4 or sacred.

The location was first identified by Foundation personnel in the 1980s, when the site was picked up by Cold War surveillance satellites5. Teams were sent to scout for further information in the area, whereupon they made contact with the local nomads. Bedouin tribes had stories of the area breaking the minds of men, and an investigatory team was sent, whereupon they discovered the remains of SCP-5052-1 in early 1984. SCP-5052-2, due to its inaccessible location in mountainous terrain, was not adequately scouted until later that year.

Addendum 5052.1: SCP-5052-1 Primary Exploration Log Transcript

Addendum 5052.2: Artefact 5052-1-A113 Transcription

Addendum 5052.3: SCP-5052-1 Secondary Exploration Log Transcript

Addendum 5052.4: SCP-5052-3 Cognitohazard Analysis by Eta-10

Addendum 5052.5: Analysis of Extraterrestrial Bone Samples from SCP-5052-1

Addendum 5052.6: Artefact 5052-1-A252 Transcription

Addendum 5052.7: SCP-5052-2 Primary Exploration Log Transcript

Addendum 5052.8: Artefact 5052-2-A049 Transcription

Addendum 5052.9: MTF Eta-10 and MTF Phi-26 Field Report.

Addendum 5052.10: Artefact 5052-2-A731 Transcription

Addendum 5052.11: Artefact 5052-1-D813 Description

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