The Boat is Sinking
  • rating: +17+x

Open Mic Night at Stacker’s THURSDAYS 10:00

The world is drowning; the flooded stage beckons. A sailor comes forth from a keel.

No one is listening, yet here you are. Enjoy this watery spiel.

“I offer this rhyme to this deluge of mine.”

The Boat is sinking! The Boat is sinking!
Group yourselves into six!
Side by side and hand in hand,
You’ll jump into the Styx.

The Boat is sinking! The Boat is sinking!
Group yourselves into five!
Father, Mother, Sister, Brother,
And Death, all ready to dive.

The Boat is sinking! The Boat is sinking!
Group yourselves into four!
Each face East, West, South, and North.
Each will never see shore.

The Boat is sinking! The Boat is sinking!
Group yourselves into three!
One for rowing. One for towing.
One to toss in the sea.

The Boat is sinking! The Boat is sinking!
Group yourselves into two!
Be partners or be nemeses
Beneath the deep of blue.

The Boat is sinking! The Boat is sinking!
Group yourself into one!
Pull the ships from the ocean floor
To sink once more in the sun

The world is quiet. No specter. No flood.

The bar fixes up for the night.

The smell of caffeine and alcohol linger through the light.

‘Til next week.

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