Statute on SCP Foundation Internal Tribunal Department
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Statute on SCP Foundation Internal Tribunal Department

SCP Foundation Internal Tribunal Department is the institutional judicial authority of the Foundation, created in 1944 after the merging of some of the Ethics Committee and the Internal Security Department services. Currently the Tribunal includes structural subdivisions such as:

  • High Tribunal (meeting place – Paris, France);
  • 2nd Tribunal (meeting place – Washington, D.C., USA);
  • 3rd Tribunal (meeting place – Stockholm, Sweden);
  • the Sentence enforcement team;
  • the Secretariate.

The directors and heads of security of all Sites, as well as MTF commanders, may on certain occasions act as sole arbitrators of the Tribunal, but they are not included in the ITD's structure. The Tribunal does not handle non-essential disciplinary violations or acts of negligence.

The Foundation Internal Security Department is tasked with crime exposition, criminal and investigative proceedings, and arrest. Upon conclusion of said investigative proceedings the ISD directs the case materials and its representative (the investigator-prosecutor) to the Tribunal. As such, the Foundation's judicial processes do not incorporate the principle of subdivision between investigative and procuratorial institutions.

Depending on the severity of the charge the court proceedings may be held by a sole juror (for instance, during cases of significant disciplinary violations), a tribunal of three or, rarely, five jurors. The most experienced and highly reputed members of the Tribunal are assigned the position of presiding justice. They handle the case and have the privilege of deciding vote should disagreement arise among the judges.

Crimes that fall under section V, "State and corporate crime" (see current edition of ITD Legal Codex) are not within the Tribunal's jurisdiction. All alleged criminals as well as materials pertaining to the case belonging to section V are directed to the GOC for legal proceedings in accordance with the UN Secret Convention №76.

The Internal Tribunal Department has the right to provide various punishments, including death penalty, particular method of death penalty, dismission with personality restructurization, personality restructurization without dismission, reduction in rank, correctional labor, persecution of third persons (relatives, significant others), etc. Revision of a judgement may be initiated only by the ISD or O5 Command in light of newly discovered facts. Any Tribunal judgement may be repealed by O5 Command.

Known Tribunal hearings:

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